by Donna Esher
29 February 2024
March 15th is a BIG day for our league... The times for all our activities on the 15th have been scheduled to make sure everybody ends up together to enjoy lunch and our annual meeting at the Community House from 11 am-1 pm. We have art to receive and remove, and then a beautiful lunch where we can all gather and finally relax! 1. Intake for our Sanibel Library Still Life Show is 9-11 am, at the library. We will hang this exhibit after lunch , and not expect off islanders to stay for that. 2. Take-down for our Wild SCCF Show from 10-11 'ish at the Bailey Homestead. 3. Our Annual Lunch Meeting will take place at the Sanibel Community House 11 am-1 pm. RSVP to : Joleen Raho by March 4 to ensure that your place set and ready for you at lunch, if you haven't already done so. SCAL is hosting this. So, plan your route on Friday, say hello to Maureen at the Bailey Homestead for pick up, proceed to drop off at the library, and then settle in over at the Community House for our Annual Meeting. Thank you for juggling times and flexing everybody! We look forward to seeing you!